Spill containment often involves containing large spills, however, it’s the small leaks and drips that can cause problems of their own. Even if it’s a small leak that results in an hour lost in clean-up, that hour is much better spent elsewhere. The Spill Bully Collapsible Berm, also known as a duck pond, is designed for quick response to smaller leaks, drips, and spills. Their compact size and foldability make them easy to store and transport but they also the capacity (up to 60 gallons) to capture spilled or leaked fluids.
- 2 sizes in stock: 2’ x 2’ & 4’ x 4’
- Custom sizes available
- Capture leaks under vehicles
- Storage pad for equipment and liquid containers
- Foam sidewalls can be driven over
- Secondary containment for fuel transfers &/or maintenance

Product Features
- Compact and easily deployable
- Tear resistant
- Heavy duty, 18oz. PVC
- Easy to transport and store
- 6” Foam sidewalls
- Capacity 15 gallons
Spill Bully traveled the globe to find the best absorbents in the world, partnering with Green Ocean in Europe, to source all-natural absorbents made from lava rock (basalt) fiber. Lava Rock is an abundant mineral, constantly replenishing itself and thus making it a truly sustainable solution.

Oceanside Chamber of Commerce Green Business Award

Small (Micro) Business Certification

DOT, TSCA and EPA compliant products